Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Moose in the Sky

I brought Jazmine with me to check the mail this evening, and we were pointing out the things we saw. She liked the trees and the sky and the cars, but when I showed her the moon she called it a moose. Oh well, she can't get everything right all in one day, and it was close enough.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Smell Pretty

Last night Mommy went downstairs to get a drink, leaving me in bed upstairs, and perhaps a little too alone. By the time she came back up I had gone into her bedroom and the bathroom, taking her box of jelly beans (newly opened) and a bottle of Japanese Cherry Blossom body wash. I had dumped the jelly beans on my bed and started eating them, and I opened the body wash and poured it on my head and my bed. Mommy's whole box of jelly beans had to be thrown away, and she had to change my sheets and pajamas. I smelled very pretty.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Yesterday we were out shopping, and on the car ride home we asked Jazmine what she wanted to eat for lunch. Guess what she said. "Potatoes!" I laughed and said, "Jazmine, what would you like to eat with your potatoes?" No joke, she replied "A burger, fries, and drink please."The only child I've ever met that wanted potatoes and fries in one meal. Needless to say I did not give her both, but her response was so funny to me.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Health Update

OK, so we went for the chest x-ray, which showed that Jazmine has bronchiolitis, or in layman's terms: inflammation of the bronchiole tubes. Her doctor said it's kind of like a childhood form of bronchitis. So she has her very own nebulizer here at home, and he's ordered for her to get lots of rest, drink a lot of juice, and eat soft things that will be easy to swallow (like soup). Jazmine's nebulizer mask looks like a fish, so she doesn't fight me too much on that. But as all you mothers know, getting a rambunctious 2 year-old to get a lot of rest or eat a lot of soup is no small task (especially the rest). For those of you with children who've been around her recently, do not worry. It is NOT contagious or communicable.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Oh My

I just got back from the doctor's office. He is having a nebulizer delivered to us for Jazmine. He is also sending us to the hospital to get a chest x-ray to confirm his diagnosis. So when Chuck gets home from work we'll be off to the hospital. Yippee! I'll keep you updated.


It's official...Jazmine is unique. As you may know, Jazmine had her testing today. They tested her in all areas, not just speech/language. She came out fine in all areas except speech/language. In this area she stumped them. They said they could tell she has trouble being understood, but at the same time she seems to speak very cleary because what can be understood is very clear. According to the testers, they've never encountered this problem before, so they are going to check with their supervisor about what to do and revisit us in 6-8 weeks to check on her speech/language skills. And we'll go from there. For now though she tested above the aidable range. Which is very good news. I'm very happy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Uh Oh

When we took my brother to the doctor today he said I sounded wheezy and decided to take a listen. Then he told Mommy that he thinks I might have allergies and asthma (which could be feeding off each other) like Auntie Karen. He gave me a nebulizer treatment in another room while he did my brother's checkup, and I have to go see him again tomorrow afternoon. He said that if he's still concerned tomorrow he's probably going to set me up with an at-home nebulizer. My little nebulizer mask looks like a fish, so it's not so bad, but Mommy isn't all that happy about it.